1. How does Keen define Democratized media, and what are his main issues with this trend? use examples from the web in the form of links. Include this idea of "disintermediation".
Keen defines Democratized media by saying it is lofty idealized, undermines truth, and belittles expertise, experience, and talent. Keen thinks that democratized media is an empty promise and I think he means that it?s almost ironic that the phrase democratized media even exists. ?For the real consequence of the Web 2.0 revolution is less culture, less reliable news, and a chaos of useless information? Keen 16. Keen believes there is little truth to the world of democratized media.
For example, Keen uses the deaths of Ken Lay and Anna Nicole Smith?s Wikipedia pages and how their deaths were described incorrectly within minutes. Lay?s said his death was a suicide then a heart attack. Smith?s said hers was for unknown reasons, drugs, heart problems, and so on. This is how misinformation is spread.
2. Compare and Contrast Keens take on Social Media with Douglas Rushkoff's. What are these differences in opinion? Which one speaks to you and your own experiences and why? You may include the ideas of such utopian technophiles as Larry Lessig, Chris anderson, and Jimmy Wales (who are these guys!?)
Keen believes as I stated in the previous answer that the media is a way to spread lies in a super fast way. Rushkoff believes that social media hinders our abilities to grow on a large global or national scale but can bring towns and smaller communities closer because of information that is spread. Within these small towns people can get windows into other people lives that they may or may not know in reality. I understand both of their views, and I actually really agree with both of them. I believe that social media is a way to spread information very fast but I do believe that there is a lot of misinformation being spread as well. Also in my own experience, people that I am Facebook friends with in my town, I feel that I know better or what?s going on in their lives. I see what colleges people are going to, if they get new pets, I can see pictures they post of new shoes they get, or whatever it may be, but I do see a town getting a better look into each other?s windows, essentially making us all neighbors.
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